Team: Huntress Managed Security Awareness Training (SAT)
Environment: SAT assignment
Summary: A guide for creating a training assignment
Creating an Assignment is simple, and one of the most fun aspects of SAT!
The ‘Assignments’ tab is where you can design training for your learners, and choose when you want to launch episodes throughout the year. Keep in mind that training schedules are unique to each assignment.
How to Create a New Assignment
Navigate to the Assignments tab and then select the Create Assignment button to begin a new assignment. Give the new assignment a Title and then select the Create button.
The Assignment builder will have 5 steps to complete in order to create your new assignment.
- Step 1: Assignment Information
- Step 2: Select Content
- Step 3: Audience
- Step 4: Schedule
- Step 5: Review & Launch
Step 1: Assignment Information
Begin by adjusting the name of the assignment if you wish or add a Description.
Scroll down to the Settings section to configure Content Navigation, Visibility, and Surveys.
- Restricted Navigation requires learners to complete episodes in the order they are assigned.
- Show Locked Content Learners will be able to see which episodes they will need to complete in the future as a part of their assigned training.
Content Surveys are optional surveys that will be displayed after each piece of content is completed.
Scroll down to adjust the Assignment Notifications. This includes Enrollment, Unlocked, Completion, and Content reminder selections. You can also specify the date and time Content Reminders are generated. All times are currently set as Easter Daylight Time.
Make sure to hit the Next button at the bottom of the page when you are ready to move on to Step 2.
Step 2. Select Content
Select the add Add Content button
Next, select the Content that you would like added to the assignment and then select the Add (#) pieces of content. button.
After the content is added to the assignment you can then Customize the episodes to include Policy Links and Security Contacts.
Policy Links — If you have a published organizational policy on the particular training topic(s) covered in a particular episode, and you want your Learners to review that policy during their training, the customization feature allows you to add it to the end of a SAT episode.
To add a Policy Link to a SAT training episode, click the ‘Add Policy Link’ button and enter a label and your policy’s website URL in the boxes provided. -
Security Contacts — A Security Contact is someone within your organization whom your Learners can go to with their questions on the security awareness topic covered in training. More often than not this will be a member of the IT department, but depending on the topic, you may want to list someone else as the in-house expert.
To add a Security Contact to a SAT training episode, click the ‘Add Security Contact’ button and enter that individual’s contact information — name, email address, phone number, etc. — which will display at the end of the training episode.
Make sure to hit the Next button at the bottom of the page when you are ready to move on to Step 3.
Step 3: Audience
Make your Selection between All Learners or a Custom Segment.
- All Learners - Includes all learners currently enrolled in the platform.
- Custom Segment - Customizable options where you can specify specific Learners, Groups, Departments, or Tags.
The Automatic enrollment feature is enabled by default but can be disabled by unchecking the box under Enrollment. When using a Custom Segment this feature will honor the Custom Segments selections.
Custom Segment
- Conditions can be used to match any or all of the following conditions to include Departments, Learner Tags, or Groups.
- Extras can be used to include or exclude specific learners from the assignment.
Step 4: Schedule
This is where you will decide between starting the Assignment Immediately or setting up a scheduled Start and/or End date. The default settings are Start Immediately and No End Date
To schedule a Start and End date make sure to select the options next to Set a Start Date & Time and Set an End Date & Time buttons to specify your parameters. Once you are done make sure to select the Next button.
Step 5: Review & Launch
This is where you will see a brief summary of your assignment and your Launch Assignment button. Make sure to confirm the Display Name, the Content selected, the learner count, and the Start and End dates if specified. Once you have verified the information looks good, select the Launch Assignment button.