Team: Huntress Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
Product: ConnectWise Manage
Environment: Huntress Dashboard
Summary: Huntress can report incidents and step-by-step remediation instructions directly to your cloud-based and on-premise ConnectWise Manage PSA.
New PSA Automatic Mapping Feature: Once you have completed the PSA set up, please review our PSA Automatic Mapping guide.
Update Dec 22, 2022: If you have previously set-up the integration with least privilege you will need to update the permissions to use the new features. The permission updates needed can be found at step 12.
Huntress can report incidents and step-by-step remediation instructions directly to your cloud-based and on-premise ConnectWise Manage. The ticket is created under the service board you specify. The ticket will be reported under the client's company name--Huntress uses the Organization Name to identify the Company Name within ConnectWise.
2Creating an API Member in ConnectWise Manage (does not count against your user licenses)
3Generating public and private keys for the API Member account
4Configuring the Huntress integration with the generated public and private keys
Creating a Security Role
- Login to ConnectWise Manage using either the web or desktop version.
- In the lower-left corner of the ConnectWise interface, select the "System" section to expand its options.
- Select the "Security Roles" sub-option.
Click the + icon in the top-left of the Security Roles module
- Enter a name for the new security role (e.g.Huntress API) and then click the Save icon.
- You will be brought the Security Modules for Role screen.
Click the down arrows beside the Companies, Procurement, Service Desk, and System headings to expand each section.
- In the following sections, modify the values in the table below
Companies Add Level Edit Level Delete Inquire Level Company Maintenance None None None All
Procurement Add Level Edit Level Delete Inquire Level Products None None None All Service Desk Add Level Edit Level Delete Inquire Level Service Tickets All All None All
System Add Level Edit Level Delete Inquire Level Member Maintenance None None None All Table Setup None None None All -
Required for Billing Integration: If you want to get more granular than ALL agreements, you can click "customize" and limit the permissions to just the one Agreement you will use
Finance Add Level Edit Level Delete Inquire Level Agreements (customize) None All None All
Procurement Add Level Edit Level Delete Inquire Level Product Catalog None None None All
- Click on "customize" next to "Table setup
Disallow everything except “Company / Company Status,” “Service / Service Board,” “Service / Priority,” "Service / Source."
Tickets will fail to send to companies that are any status other than "active." A lot of times the catch-all will be something like "not approved" and ticket creation will fail with the error "ticket object not found"
Creating an API Member account in ConnectWise
The name of the API user will be visible to your users. We recommend naming the API user to match your company brand. (e.g. "Huntress API"). See for more information.
Huntress can report incidents and step-by-step remediation instructions directly to your cloud-based and on perimeter ConnectWise Service Boards. The ticket will be created under the service board you specify when configuring the integration. The ticket will be reported under the client's company name--Huntress uses the Organization Name to identify the Company Name within ConnectWise.
- Login to ConnectWise Manage using either the web or desktop version.
- In the lower-left corner of the ConnectWise interface, select the "System" section to expand its options.
- Select the "Security role" sub-option.
- You'll now need to create a new API Member. To do so, select the "API Members" tab at the top of the newly opened Members pane.
- Select the plus (+) sign on the left side of the Members pane to add a new API Member account.
- In the New Member form, you'll need to fill out all required fields which are denoted with asterisks (*).
- Populate the Member ID, Member Name, and Email fields. (The member ID is the User ID and the Member Name is the display name that will show on tickets)
- Within the Role ID drop-down menu, select the Huntress API role that you created earlier. Leave other values as default (unless you have another use-case and understand how the options work).
- First, select the Default Board you would like to use for the Huntress API. Then, under Restrict Board Access select the Service Boards you DO NOT want the Huntress API to have access to (follow the least-privilege method, we suggest selecting all Service Boards Except for the one you want Huntress Tickets going to.
- Congrats, you've populated all the needed fields! Create your API Member by clicking the floppy disk icon at the top of the Members pane.
Do not return to the main Member pane. Proceed to the next section to continue.
Generating public and private keys for the API Member account
- You'll now need to generate public and private keys for your newly created API Member. Start by selecting the "API Keys" tab at the top of the Huntress API pane.
- Select the plus (+) sign on the left side of the Huntress API pane to add a new API Key.
- Populate the Description field with "Huntress API Key".
- Create your Public and Private Keys by clicking the save icon.
- Congrats! You've successfully generated the API keys Huntress needs to create tickets. You'll need these in the next steps so don't navigate away frompage.
Setting up the Huntress Integration to ConnectWise
- Login to the Huntress Dashboard.
- Hover over the Huntress options menu in the upper-right corner of the dashboard.
- Select the "Integrations" option from the menu.
- Select the "Add" button to create a new integration.
- Select the "ConnectWise Manage" banner.
- Select the applicable location for your ConnectWise instance. Populate the "Company ID" field with your ConnectWise Company ID. Populate the "Public Key" and "Private Key" fields with the previously generated Member API Keys. Specify the name of the service board to report to in the "Default Service Board" with the name of the service board.
- Select the "Add" button to save your integration.
- Choose appropriate values for your environment and click Add when complete. If there is not a direct match, you will be left with a dropdown stating "Select a company" for you to manually match the Huntress Organization to the ConnectWise Company. Click Save.
If you are looking to update your existing mappings, simply log into your Huntress Dashboard, click "Integrations" under the hamburger menu and click the "pencil" icon next to your existing integration to update it.
The Default Company you set must be "approved," otherwise ticket creation for the default company (and test tickets) will fail.
The Service Board you are sending tickets to must have a default Status and must have a default Team Assignment configured in ConnectWise. See for more information.
You can set defaults for new Huntress tickets that come into your PSA queue.
For example, the Default Status field allows you to set the initial status of each ticket. The Set Status after Huntress Remediation field will then automatically update the status of the PSA ticket once remediation is approved or rejected on the Huntress side.
If Huntress cannot match an organization, we will place the incident under a Default Company you set here.
- After adding your ConnectWise integration, Navigate back to Integrations. Huntress will attempt to make a connection to the specified ConnectWise endpoint.
- Within a couple of seconds, the "Status" field should either change to a green ✔ or a red ✖.
- If your connection was successful, congratulations! Huntress can now directly report incidents and remediation recommendations to your specified ConnectWise Service Board. If your connection failed, select the pencil icon to edit your integration settings. If you have any trouble getting this setup, don't hesitate to drop us a ticket.
- You can test ticket creation and/or a billing sync with the "Test" buttons
- Please note that you must have received at least one invoice for the billing sync to work