Team: Huntress Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
Product: MAV
Environment: Huntress Dashboard
Summary: Add Organizations to Huntress
Adding Organizations
Within the Organization tab, simply click on "Add"
You will then be prompted to input your chosen Organization Name and Key then press "Save".
Renaming Organizations
Organizations can be renamed by selecting the edit (pencil) button from the Organizations page (see screenshot below).
The Name is the display name used within the Huntress UI and on reports. The Key is used when registering agents.
NOTE: If you change the Key, you may need to update any deployment scripts that use the Key, otherwise, you may end up with duplicate organizations.
Think of the Organization name as the display name. It's only used to show to users, the key is what the system uses to find the correct organization for the agent.
Complete details for changing the organization name can be found here.
Deleting an Organization
Following the same steps above, you can also delete an Organization. Click the trash can icon to delete the Organization.
Warning: Deleting an Organization will remove all Huntress Agents under that Organization from your Huntress Account.
Duplicate Organizations
In the image below, you can see that the two organizations have the same name. The reason the agents split up is because the organization key was different. In this specific case, it was caused by the customer deploying with two different RMMs as Continuum handles Organization keys slightly different than Syncro does.
The fix for this would be to make sure agents are under the appropriate organizations (the ones recently created by Syncro) and to delete the organizations that were created by Continuum. Information on moving agents between organizations can be found by following the link.