Team: Huntress Managed Security Awareness Training (SAT)
Product: SAT Dashboard
Summary: The SAT Dashboard features an overview page that gives you high level details on what your learners have been doing with the assignments and phishing campaigns you configured.
What is the Overview Page?
The Overview Page gives you an overview of how your organization is doing. This dashboard is where you can see an overview of learner assignment and phishing campaign results, as well as preview this months Managed Assignment and Managed Phishing campaigns. If you are using the Gamification features of the SAT platform, you can also see the list of Awareness Leaders.
The Overview Box
The overview box shows current, point in time metrics.
- Active Learners: the total number of learners that have a status set to ‘Active’
- Phishing Campaigns: The number of phishing campaigns in progress
- Learning Assignments: The number of in-progress assignments
- Episode Completion: This shows the number of episode obligations completed vs total. For example, if you have 10 learners and two episodes assigned to them that would be 20 total obligations.
The "Last 30 Days" Box
The ‘Last 30 days’ section compares the stats for the last 30 days vs the period 60-30 days ago
- Compromised learners is the total number of learners who interacted with a simulated phishing email to the final step available such as interacting with a landing page. The “vs” shows the change and the data for compromised learners from 60-30 days ago.
- Compromised learners is the % of learners who interacted with a simulated phishing email to the final step available such as interacting with a landing page. The “vs” shows the change and the data for compromised rate from 60-30 days ago. The % value will be rounded to the single digit so anything >= 0.5% is rounded up and values <0.5 are rounded down to zero.
- Campaign Report Rate: The % of simulated phishes that were reported.The “vs” shows the change and the data for compromised rate from 60-30 days ago. The % value will be rounded to the single digit so anything >= 0.5% is rounded up and values <0.5 are rounded down to zero.
Compromise Rate by Attempt
This report is our best effort of showing the impact of running multiple phishing campaigns. Each column represents the attempt number for each learner irrespective of the date. In this example, 453 learners have received at least 1 simulated phishing email. If we look at all of these learners’ first email, we see a baseline of 44 learners indicating a 9.7% compromise rate on their first attempt. These 44 learners may have started at a different time and they may have been compromised through different scenarios.
Looking at the column labeled 11 shows that only 264 learners have received 11 messages and 9 of them were compromised.
In contrast, only 15 learners have been using the platform long enough to be receiving their 27th attempt. Of these 15 learners, 6 were compromised showing a 40% compromise rate. In this case, the admin of the account sent a highly targeted phishing simulation which had a high compromise rate among employees with a long tenure. While we want the number to continuously decrease, anomalies like this will occur. Our goal is keep employees ever-vigilant against real threats in their inbox.