TEAM: Huntress Managed Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR, formerly MDR for Microsoft 365)
SUMMARY: What is ITDR and why is Huntress making this change from MDR for Microsoft 365)
We’re excited to share that we have updated the Huntress Portal navigation pane to more accurately categorize MDR for Microsoft 365 under ITDR, short for Identity Threat Detection & Response.
What is Identity Threat Detection & Response (ITDR)?
ITDR is an emerging security categorization that describes solutions focused on protecting identities and credentials and responding to identity-related attacks. ITDR involves monitoring, identifying, and mitigating threats related to unauthorized access and misuse of identity credentials within an organization. This includes the use of both human and technological measures to detect anomalies and respond effectively to potential security incidents, ensuring the protection and integrity of identity systems and data.
For the past two years, Gartner has recognized ITDR in its “Top Cybersecurity Trends” report, highlighting how securing organizational identity infrastructure is mission-critical for business and security operations. In recent years, the terminology has been adopted by a number of top cybersecurity providers.
Why did Huntress make this change?
Huntress MDR for Microsoft 365 is a comprehensive identity protection solution, and the new ITDR categorization more accurately describes our current solution - and where our solution will go in the future.
Does this change anything about MDR for Microsoft 365?
Not at this time, but stay tuned.