Team: Huntress Managed Security Awareness Training (SAT)
Environment: Admin Settings SAT "Security Awareness Training"
Summary: Huntress Managed SAT Terms and Definitions
Assignment and Learner Terms and Definitions
Learner - For the purpose of using our Managed Security Awareness Training, Users are considered Learners in the SAT environment. Learner = User = Learner
Assignment - Assignments are unique and are utilized to design training for your learners, by choosing when and how you want to launch episodes throughout the week, month, quarter, or year.
Episode - Individual videos pertaining to different Cyber Security Training topics. Episodes can be located in the Content tab in an assignment or in the Library.
Group - Groups are used to segment your Learners for training purposes. You can manage and deliver different content to each Group. For example, you can have your staff in one Group and contractors in a separate one. You can now manage separate training content, access controls, and delivery options for each Group. Groups are located under Settings > Learners > Then scroll to the bottom of the page.
Department - Are used as a tool to segment your Learners for Assignments and phishing campaigns as well as tracking, phishing, and reporting purposes. Departments can be used in addition to Tags for additional segmenting of assignments and phishing campaigns. Departments can be set up under Settings > Learners. A learner can only belong to one group at a time.
Tags - Are used as a tool to segment your Learners for Assignments and phishing campaigns as well as tracking, phishing, and reporting purposes. Tags can be used in addition to Departments for additional segmenting of assignments and phishing campaigns. Tags can be located under Settings > Learners. You can have multiple tags assigned to an individual learner from the Learners Tab.
Access Code - a Single-Code shared by every learner in a particular group. Learners receive this code as a part of training notification emails and enter it, along with their email address, to log into to complete training. This is the default authentication setting for all customer accounts.
Magic Link - is another authentication method available for managing Learner access at the group level. It is a single-use unique URL that Learners receive to access available training. Unlike an access code Magic links are unique and will expire after an hour. If your Learners cannot get to the training in that first hour, they can request a new Magic Link by clicking on the expired link and re-entering their email address. An email notification with a new Magic Link will appear in their email within seconds.
Phishing Terms and Definitions
Attempt Spreadsheet compresses all data of the phishing campaign logically in an Excel format. You can utilize the spreadsheet to create graphs, charts, or any other way you wish to present the data in a program of your choosing.
Baseline - This is a measurement of the current state of your organization's ability to defend against a phishing attack. These measurements may include how many employees open an email, click a link, enter credentials, and how long it takes for someone to fall victim to an attack. Once you have an idea of your baseline, you can compare those results to future Phishing Campaigns and see how your defenses improve over time.
Blocked - Blocked will appear under Status if the recipient's domain has not been verified yet via our Authorized Domains and Deliverability test. These test can be completed in Settings via the Phishing section.
Breach Time is an average of how quickly your organization was exposed by all phishing simulations.
Phishing Reports - Another essential feature that can be accessed via the Reports tab for a specific phishing campaign, you can download a summary and a spreadsheet to represent the data from a phishing attempt better.
Click - A click will be registered by either a person or an application that clicks or scans one of the BaitLinks in an email. If you run across a situation where an application is Clicking the Bait-Link such as an email scanner or Anti-Virus please visit our Allowlisting guide.
Click Rate is the average of all employees that have clicked on your campaigns
Compromise - A compromise can originate via two different methods.
In a Click-only phishing scenario, the Learner becomes compromised after clicking on the simulated malicious link in the campaign email.
In a ‘Landing Page’ scenario, however, Learners only become compromised after clicking on the email link and then interacting with the landing page.
Compromise Rate is the percentage of employees that completely engaged with a campaign, such as by clicking a link and then filling out a form
Details Tab - is a tab that can be used to view a Phishing Campaigns metrics and breakdown of the campaign.
Delivery Method - this will display the method of Phishing delivery used with the phishing scenario. We offer two methods of delivery; SMTP and API.
IP - is the ip address that was recorded at the time of the Click or Compromise depending on the phishing Scenario.
Landing Page - For phishing scenarios that have a Landing Page option, clicking links in the email brings Learners to a fake landing page for the service that DeeDee is using to trick them into entering their information. Learners will be able to exercise the skills they have learned to check and see if the page is safe before inputting their credentials.
Mobile - This field is used to identify if a Learner opened, clicked, or reported a phishing message on a Mobile device.
Opened - is the exact time that the Learner opened or viewed the email for the first time.
Phishing - is the use of deceptive tactics to solicit private or personally identifiable information. This information can include usernames and passwords, medical information, or even your Social Security Number. Our training will help you identify ways to protect yourself from a wide variety of attacks.
Recovered - is the time when a Learner completes the recovery training episode that is generated after a Click or a Compromise occurs with a Phishing Scenario.
Reported - is the time when the Learner reports a phishing scenario to our Phishing reporting services and the time that our server received the reported email.
Scenario - is a templated email you choose when creating and launching a Phishing Campaign.
Sent - Sent is the exact time that Huntress Managed SAT/Curricula Sent the Scenario from our Phishing Server