Team: Huntress SAT
Product: Account phishing settings
Summary: This article details the numerous different report types
Product: Account phishing settings
Summary: This article details the numerous different report types
SAT offers a variety of reports to help admins gain key insight into their Learners’ progress and behavior and to find the data they need quickly.
In this article, we will cover the reporting options available to you in the SAT admin platform, where to find them, and how to use them to get the information you need.
Assignment Reports
SAT offers two reports for training assignments to keep admins aware of how their learners are performing in their episode-based training. These reports — Overview and Learner Completion — are unique to each episode and available on the ‘Overview’ tab of that particular episode.
To find the Overview and Learner Completion reports, go to the ‘Assignments’ tab of the SAT admin platform and select the assignment whose reports you want to see.
The assignment will open to the ‘Overview’ tab, where the assignment reports can be found.
The Overview report — the first one you will see on the screen — offers a high level view of assignment completion and achievement metrics. From here, in the first two data boxes, admins can track the overall Completion Rate (the rate of all available training in the assignment that learners have completed) and Average Score (how learners have scored based on all the available training in the assignment). This data is also broken down and presented on an episode-by-episode view in the table below.
The Overview report can be downloaded into a PDF executive summary from the top of the screen. Just click the ‘Export to PDF’ button above the ‘Average Score’ box to download a copy for your records.
The data presented from the Overview report is also broken down on the individual learner level in the form of the Learner Completion table at the bottom of the screen.
Admins can use this table to track how their learners are performing individually across all episodes included in the assignment. Every Learner is listed on the left-hand side along with their personal episode completion rate (the ‘%’ column).
Admins can see the scheduled episode table columns to see if/when each learner completed them. One of three values will appear under each episode column:
“Date” — A date listed means the learner successfully completed the episode (achieving at least the minimum passing score) on that date.
“-” — A dash symbol means the learner has not attempted, completed, or achieved at least a minimum passing score for that particular episode.
“N/A” — This means the learner is not required to complete the episode. Typically this will only appear if an Inactive learner is enrolled in the assignment.
To more easily track the progress of certain learners, admins can use the ‘Search learners’ box at the top right of the report to search for individual learners or to filter results based on Department.
Admins can create a Learner Completion report for any version of this table by clicking the ‘Export to CSV’ button to the right of the search box. When this button is clicked, whatever data is being displayed at that point (all learners, a single learner, or a department) will download into a csv file report for record keeping purposes.
Phishing Reports
Similar to the Assignment reports detailed above, SAT offers both an Annual Overview report for all completed phishing campaigns. This report can be found by going to the ‘Phishing’ tab of the SAT admin platform and scrolling to the section marked ‘Annual Overview.’
This report will help admins track how well their learners have preformed across all applicable campaigns. Data taken from these campaigns is presented in three summary categories: Click Rate, Compromise Rate, and Report Rate
It is then broken down and displayed on a table below, where admins can track the overall click rate of individual learners (% column) as well as how learners performed in each campaign run that year.
Admins can see the phishing campaign table columns to see how each learner preformed. One of three values will appear under each episode column:
“Date” — The learner fell for the campaign on the date indicated.
“-” — The learner did not fall for the campaign.
“N/A” — The learner was not included in the campaign.
Admins can also use the ‘Search learner’ box to filter results to show a specific learner or to show a Department. And, as with the Learner Completion report in the assignments section, data displayed in this table can be downloaded into a csv report by clicking the purple ‘Export to CSV’ button to the right of the ‘Search learner’ box.
Being an annual report, the data can be filtered to show how learners have performed in previous years using the year drop-down box just above ‘Report Rate.’
Custom Reports
In addition to the Assignment and Phishing reports already discussed, SAT also offers admins the ability to create a wide range of reports from the ‘Reports’ tab in the admin platform. Here, you will be able to create and download reports that are both more customized and containing more details than the reports already covered in this article. You will even be able to save the reports you build as a “recipe” for quick access in the future.
Using the 'Show me' line, admins can build reports searching for data specific to Learners, Assignment Sessions, Assignment Content Requirements, Phishing Attempts, or Phishing Campaigns, and then applying a variety of conditions to target the exact information needed for reporting.
After a condition is selected, a new line will populate above the data table where you can continue to fine tune the search for the exact information you want to find. The table will update immediately based on the selections you make.
The information in the table can then be downloaded as its own custom report using the purple ‘Download results’ button and/or saved for use as a later date by clicking ‘Save as recipe’ above the ‘Show me’ line. (When saving a custom report, you will need to give it a name first. Then when you return to the ‘Reports’ tab the next time to run the same report, click the purple ‘Use a recipe’ button and select the report from the list.)
This is only one example of the customization available with SAT's ‘Reports’ function. For more information and examples, visit our article for Generating Custom Reports!