Product: Huntress SAT: SSO and SAML
Environment: Google Suite/SAT Portal
Summary: This article outlines how to integrate Google SSO with SAT to provide your learners with a fast and secure way to access the SAT platform.
Create a Custom SAML app in the Google Admin Console
1. Log into your Google admin account
2. Select Apps dropdown then select Web and mobile apps
3. Select the Add app dropdown then select Add custom SAML app
4. Under App name input “SAT”
5. Add whatever description you prefer, in the screen shot we used “Sweet Training”
6. You can add an App icon if you like. The SAT App Icon is provided below.
7. Click Continue
8. Scroll down to Option 2: Copy the SSO URL, entity ID, and Certificate and Copy the Google SAML Certificate.
9. Click Continue then proceed to “Add App Credentials to SAT”
Add App Credentials to SAT
1. Open a new tab and Log into your SAT Admin account then navigate to the Settings tab
2. Select Learners from the menu on the left then scroll down to the Groups section and click 'Edit' next to the group that you want to use SSO.
3. Select the Access tab, then next to the Authentication Type section, use the drop-down under Type to select SAML Single Sign-on
4. Paste the Certificate you copied earlier in step 8 in the box “New identity Provider x.509 Certificate field, then click Update
5. Copy the URL under Service Provider Sign-in URL (assertion) then head back to the Google App
6. Paste the URL copied from SAT into the ACS URL and Entity ID fields
7. Under Name ID format use the drop-down and select EMAIL
9. We do not need to add any Attributes so click FINISH
10. In the SAT APP screen, Click where it states OFF for everyone to change this to ON for everyone then click SAVE
Now that you have successfully set up SAT SAML, let’s test the configuration by signing in as a new user using the new SAT SAML application.
Testing the Application
Any user in your organization can test by logging into their Google account and then click the Google Menu (9 dots in the top right corner of the screen) to select the SAT SSO/SAML icon to log directly into
Identity Provider Single Sign-on URL
Now we need to put that link into SAT so your learners can log in through their notifications:
- Open the Google Menu (9 dots in the top right corner)
- Right click on the SAT icon, and select "Copy Link Address"
- Paste that URL into the "Identity Provider Single Sign-on URL" field in SAT
- Test sending yourself a notification, and verify that clicking the link now automatically logs you into SAT
Your Google SSO/SAML SAT integration is now complete!