TEAM: Huntress Managed Endpoint Detection and Response
PRODUCT: ConnectWise RMM
SUMMARY: Deploy the Huntress agent via ConnectWise RMM
We've created a deployment script for ConnectWise RMM (formerly known as Continuum) that will install the Huntress agent on 32 and 64-bit Windows systems without any user interruptions or reboots needed.
The script will also automatically gather your client's ConnectWise RMM Site ID and automatically organize the agents within Huntress' multi-tenant dashboard.
Things to Note:
For freshly installed ConnectWise RMM Agents, ConnectWise does not create the SITENAME value until ~30 minutes after installation, which means that the SITENAME value wouldn't be available for us to pull on new machines.
Connectwise RMM updated how they handle Company friendly names on the endpoints. Previously you would be able to pull the site-id and this field would have a site-id(multi-digit number) and the company friendly name after. (ex. 123456-ABCCompany) The deployment scripts would grab this field and normalize the friendly name and build out the Huntress Dashboard appropriately, with the Huntress Organization being the company friendly name pulled from the Connectwise RMM agent.
This is no longer the case, and Connectwise RMM only presents the site-id(multi-digit number). This poses some challenges at automatically deploying our agent and building the Huntress Dashboard organization automatically. Now instead of having a company friendly name to reference, it is a multi-digit number.
You can utilize the one preexisting Continuum RMM deployment script, what will occur is your Huntress Organizations will be the multi-digit numbers.
The actual name of the Organization will be "123456"; we encourage you to change the display name of Organization without affecting future deployments.
There are two options:
OPTION 1: Creating the Huntress Deployment Script in ConnectWise RMM - requires 1 RMM script to maintain, but each org name inside Huntress will be only the SiteID so you'll probably want to change the name inside Huntress so it's easier to identify. This uses our ConnectWise deploy script.
OPTION 2: Downloading and Customizing the Huntress PowerShell Template - requires 1 RMM script per client, but does not require updating org names within Huntress. This uses our PowerShell deploy script.
Note: For Option 2, if you were to utilize a Huntress RMM monitor, this would also require one monitor per client.
Option 1 - Create the Huntress Deployment Script in ConnectWise RMM
NOTE: These instructions are not the final draft, but they were released to ensure our partners could update their deployment method to utilize the new ConnectWise scripting method as quickly as possible.
These steps are only for option 1, do not follow these steps if using option 2.
Login to the ConnectWise RMM dashboard and select the Tasks tab
Select “Add” and then “Script Editor”
Name your script, add a description, and select your proper category
- Select “Add Parameter” at the top
Walk through the wizard and add at least 1 parameter you added into your script.
- Account_Key - Required Field - Default Value should be your Huntress Account Key.
- Organization_Key - This should pull SiteID automatically from your RMM, assuming your RMM agent has been on the machine for >30 minutes. However you can also set this up to pull from a Parameter set inside CW if you prefer.
- Tags - Optional Field. If you want to use tags please contact us for support, this value currently doesn't exist in the ConnectWise deploy script.
Now find the variable assignment line and change the value to reflect the "Parameter Name" from CW. For example, for the "Account_Key" parameter below you would change line 47 from
$AccountKey = "__ACCOUNT_KEY__"
to$AccountKey = "@Account_Key@"
- Now go into Script Editor and select Add Row
Select Function and then search for PowerShell script.
Copy and paste the script that you saved earlier into the PowerShell Script block and save. You can find the script here.
To get proper logging, Add another Row. Select Function and then search for Script Log
Input %output% in the Script Log Message Block.
Once the Task has been saved, you can then run this task against your endpoints.
- Your agents should now deploy based on your chosen schedule and begin appearing in your Huntress Dashboard shortly with all the parameters that you have configured.
Option 2 - Download & Customize the Huntress PowerShell Template
These steps should be followed if using Option 2
- Download the Huntress PowerShell Template from our GitHub repository.
Update lines 31 - 39 to this:
param (
Be sure to use a plain text editor like Notepad, Notepad++, or Sublime.
You'll need to add script Parameters for Account_Key, Organization_Key and Tags within ConnectWise like this: