Team: Huntress EDR
Product: Command installation
Environment: Windows
Summary: Using a single command via Command Prompt (CMD) or PowerShell to install the Huntress Agent
While we highly recommend using one of the deployment scripts to install the Huntress agent, we do realize there are use cases for a single command install.
Please be aware that this command provides no error checking, installation validation, etc. PowerShell errors can be terse. If you are not familiar with troubleshooting PowerShell errors please use one of the other installation methods.
Before running the following command, replace the two instances of YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY with your Huntress account key and CLIENT_NAME with the customer name.
From a Command Prompt (cmd.exe):
powershell "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('',\"$env:temp/HuntressInstaller.exe\");"%TEMP%\HuntressInstaller.exe /S /ACCT_KEY=YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY /ORG_KEY="CLIENT_NAME"
From a PowerShell Prompt (powershell.exe):
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('',$env:temp+'/HuntressInstaller.exe');iex $env:temp'\HuntressInstaller.exe /S /ACCT_KEY=YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY /ORG_KEY=CLIENT_NAME'
If the command fails, check for any surplus spaces within or trailing the line.
Legacy Installer (Server 2008/Vista) from a Command Prompt:
powershell "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('',\"$env:temp/HuntressInstaller.exe\");"%TEMP%\HuntressInstaller.exe /S /ACCT_KEY=YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY /ORG_KEY="CLIENT_NAME"
Legacy Installer (Server 2008/Vista) from PowerShell Prompt:
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('',$env:temp+'/HuntressInstaller.exe');iex $env:temp'\HuntressInstaller.exe /S /ACCT_KEY=YOUR_ACCOUNT_KEY /ORG_KEY=CLIENT_NAME'
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