Team: Huntress EDR
Product: Huntress agents
Environment: Windows, MacOS
Summary: How to correct unresponsive agents
In this article
1How to Correct Unresponsive Agents
2What if my agent is missing from the portal?
3Where can I find which agents are unresponsive?
4How am I notified of unresponsive agents?
How to correct unresponsive agents
Typically, a simple restart of the Huntress service will correct the issue. You can accomplish this in one of two ways:
- Recommended: Through your RMM or group policy, attempt to start the HuntressAgent and HuntressUpdater on hosts without these services currently running. When the services start up, they’ll pull down a new agent update and you’ll be good to go!
- Manually start up the Huntress Services and set them as Autostart by running the following commands in Powershell:
sc.exe config HuntressAgent start=auto | sc.exe config HuntressUpdater start=auto | sc.exe start HuntressAgent | sc.exe start HuntressUpdater
What if my agent is missing from the portal?
Organizations with customized unresponsive agent settings may have their agents automatically removed from the portal after a certain number of days. If you have altered these settings, you may have had some agents removed from your organization automatically.
In some cases, the Huntress agent may still reside on the host machine (albeit turned off), which may lead to confusion if trying to verify the presence of the agent via an RMM or another tool. The Huntress portal shows the current state of all billed agents for your organization and should be treated as the source of truth for understanding your Huntress deployments.
Machines with unresponsive agents that are not in the portal can be fixed by turning on the HuntressAgent as described above. The agent will call back to the portal and uninstall. You can then redeploy the Huntress agent to the machine.
How can I find which agents are unresponsive?
On your account home dashboard, select "Unresponsive" under Agent Status and your list of unresponsive agents will appear.
How am I notified when agents become unresponsive?
The number of unresponsive agents is included in the Weekly and Monthly Summaries
1 comment
Hi. Can we please have instructions on how to correct unresponsive macOS agents please?
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