Team: Huntress Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
Product: Managed EDR
Environment: Platform, Portal, API
Summary: Using the Huntress API without a Huntress Account
No account, no problem!
We've created some mock server responses using faux-generated data to help make building scripts and integrations utilizing the Huntress API easier.
To get started, you'll need to download and install Mockoon - a free and open-source tool that supports many API Mocking methods.
For those new to Mockoon, they provide a cheat sheet to help!
Download and import the huntress_mockoon.json (attached below) Mockoon environment file
That's it!
Issues? Make sure to double-check the mock server is started and the respective port compatibility
Mockoon Overview Video (shortcut link)
Notice: Mockoon is developed and maintained by an external third party. As a result, it is not considered Huntress-provided software and not provided support from the Huntress Support Team.