Team: Huntress EDR
Product: Datto RMM (Script), Huntress Agent for macOS
Environment: macOS
Summary: Deploying the Huntress Agent script via Datto RMM to macOS endpoints.
Datto RMM allows you to create installation jobs to deploy third-party software. This document provides instructions for adding a script to your ComStore to deploy the Huntress Agent for macOS to your end users' computers.
This only installs the Huntress Agent. It does not install the system extension or the network content filter, which are also needed for full EDR functionality, such as endpoint isolation. Review the complete macOS installation instructions to make the right choice for your environment.
We are not able to offer comprehensive support for Datto RMM. Refer to the Datto RMM documentation for full details regarding the usage of Datto RMM tools.
In this Article
Retrieve your Huntress Keys
Add Variables in Datto
Add Huntress Component from Datto ComStore
Create Datto Installation Job
Setup Video for Deploying with Datto
Verify the Datto Job Completed Successfully
Retrieve your Huntress Keys
- Log in to Huntress and go to the Agent Setup page.
- Get your Account and Organization keys. If you use Agent tags, have those ready as well.
Add Variables in Datto
The Huntress keys are passed as variables in the Datto RMM deployment configuration. A global variable named HUNTRESS_ACCOUNT_KEY represents the Huntress Account Key. An environmental variable named CS_PROFILE_NAME, which is the Datto RMM site name, represents the Huntress Organization Key.
If the organization does not yet exist in Huntress, it gets created automatically. After the installation, you can always move Agents to the appropriate organization.
Variable Mapping:
- Datto RMM HUNTRESS_ACCOUNT_KEY variable → Huntress Account Key
- Datto RMM Site Name (CS_PROFILE_NAME) → Huntress Organization Name
- Log in to Datto RMM. From the main page, go to Setup > Global Settings.
- Scroll down to Variables, and click Add Variable.
- In the Value field, paste the Huntress Account Key you got from the Huntress platform.
- In the Name field, type HUNTRESS_ACCOUNT_KEY.
- Save and confirm your changes.
Add Huntress Component from Datto ComStore
- From the main menu, go to Automation > ComStore.
- Search for Huntress Agent Deployment [MAC], then click Add.
Create the Datto Installation Job
- From the main menu, go to Automation > Jobs > Create Job.
- Type in a name, and click Add Component.
- Search for Huntress Agent Deployment [MAC] and click Add.
- Leave variables boxes blank, and click Add Target.
- Find and Add target devices.
- Select the deployment scheduling options you want, then click Create Job.
Setup Video for Deploying with Datto
This demo shows creating a Huntress trial and deploying the Huntress Agent with Datto. The Datto-specific information starts at 07:00.
Verify the Datto Job Completed Successfully
You can check for deployment errors by viewing the job status.
- Go to Jobs > Competed Jobs, and click on the job name.
- On the Job details view, click the Stdout and Stderr buttons to view the log from any Agent that might have failed. This information can be helpful for troubleshooting.
The Stdout field under the completed scripts shows each step performed:
A log file is generated in the /tmp directory on the macOS endpoint called HuntressInstaller.log.
Check Huntress Agent Count
After the Datto scheduled job runs, it might take 15-20 minutes for updates to show up in the Huntress platform, as the Agent sends its status with the next scan. You can see the total Agent counts on the Command Center, as well as a count of the Agents that need more setup.
Clicking the macOS Status card brings you to the macOS Endpoint installation page, which has more configuration options that can be done from the Huntress platform.
Need something else?
The DattoRMM Huntress macOS Install Script is written in Bash. You can view the source here.
If you need any assistance from Huntress or if you notice a step missing, contact us at
If not all expected endpoints appear, troubleshoot with these helpful articles: