Team: Huntress Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
Product: Datto RMM (Keep Alive)
Environment: Huntress integration
Summary: Setup guide for Datto RMM integration for monitoring the Huntress Agent and Huntress Updater service statuses and restarting them if they are not running.
Guide on how to create Datto RMM Service Monitor to automatically restart the Huntress Agent and Updater services in the event they stop. Also in this guide alerting can be configured to generate tickets if the service stops and is unable to be restarted.
- In new Datto RMM UI, select the "Policies" and then "All" in the left pane
- Click the "Create" policy button in the right pane
- Provide a Name, Description, Scope, and Type. In the examples below we're using "Huntress Service Monitor", a brief description, "Global" scope, and "Monitoring" type.
- In the "Monitors" section, click "Add Monitor" (not pictured), click "Select", and click "Select" next to Service in the right pane pop-out.
- In the "Alert" section type in "HuntressAgent" for "The Service" and select "Stopped", "30", "Immediately", choose an appropriate alert severity ("High" in this example), and set "Auto Resolve" to "After 1 minute."
NOTE: The time period must be at least 30 minutes, as our agent will stop to install updates. Setting the timer too low may lead to unexpected issues that can negatively impact the agent. While agent updates typically finish in under a minute, external factors may extend this duration slightly, and any interference with the installation process could cause the update to fail or become unstable. - In the "Response" section check "Attempt to take remedial action..." and we recommend selecting "Create a ticket." (The ticket will auto-resolve if the self-healing actions are successful.) You will need to select appropriate ticket attributes based on your specific installation of Autotask/Datto RMM.
- Finally click the "Add Monitor" button in the lower right. You will be brought back to the Monitors page, click Add Monitor again, repeating steps 4-6, but change "HuntressAgent" in step 5 to "HuntressUpdater" as shown below. We've also modified the severity level to Moderate in this example, set this to something appropriate for your environment.
- Click "Add Target" and choose the method you want to apply this policy in your environment. In this example we're using a "Site Group" containing our customers that require the Huntress services to be installed. Alternatively you could use Device Filters or Device Groups, but this will vary based on how your environment is configured.
- When all is complete, click Save and Deploy Now and Datto RMM will now automatically restart any stopped Huntress service, and a ticket will persist in a queue you specify if the self-healing actions fail.