Team: Huntress Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
Product: Huntress Reseller
Environment: Reseller Dashboard
Summary: Accessing and navigating the Huntress Dashboard as a Value Added Reseller (VAR)
Access the Huntress Reseller Dashboard
Add an Account and Start a Trial
Navigate Between Reseller Dashboard(s), Account(s), and Organization(s)
Access the Huntress Reseller Dashboard
The Huntress Welcome Email
Accepting an invite to the Huntress portal will allow you to log in with current credentials, or allow you to create new credentials if you do not have any already.
Once successfully logged in, you will see the Reseller Dashboard. If you have a new account, you will also need to accept the Terms before you can navigate to the Accounts screen.
Add an Account and Start a Trial
The New Accounts Details Page
Once the information is entered and saved, the account will appear in the Reseller Dashboard and the trial will automatically begin. The "Status Ends" will show when the trial will end:
- Pricing for each plan can be found on the Billing tab of the Reseller Dashboard.
- Your ability to provide Huntress as a managed service and remotely remediate the security incidents that Huntress uncovers on behalf of your customers will determine your eligibility to sell Partner Supported Huntress.
- If you are invited to the Resell Dashboard as a Huntress Supported-only reseller, you will only be able to create accounts with Support Type = Huntress Supported.
- Only resellers who qualify to sell Support Type = Partner Supported will see it as an option in the dropdown menu.
- If you need further information on the difference between a Huntress Supported and a Partner Supported account, you can click on the definitions which will redirect you to learn more under the Billing tab of the Reseller Dashboard.
Edit Accounts
Click on the link under the account name to see the Account Settings.
Click on the Edit icon to Edit them.
Add Subscriptions
Further down on the Edit Accounts screen you can + Add a Contract Subscription:
While creating the Subscription, the Edit Subscription module needs 3 pieces of information:
1. Support Type: Either "Huntress Supported" or "Partner supported." This field inherits the Support Type of Account that was provided during Account creation, but is editable here.
*Note - changing the Support Type here will change the Support Type at the Account level as well.
2. Number of Systems to Protect: This is a blank user-editable field. By inputting the exact number of Windows Systems that your customer needs to protect, the UI will automatically update to the correct plan.
*Note - The actual UI will show your Partner Cost per agent and the total at the bottom.
3. Billing Interval: Either "Annual" or "Monthly." The Annual option will bill up-front for the full year. The Monthly option will bill Monthly for the set number of systems.
After clicking " Save" (or hitting the "Enter" key) you'll be returned to the Account Settings screen where the Subscription will show up under the Contract section and an Activate button will now be visible.
Activate a Subscription
Once a contract has been successfully added to the account, you will see it appear on the Account Settings screen with the ability to Activate or edit the contract.
You will also have the ability to activate the contract from the Accounts tab of the resell dashboard.
Activating the account will change the Account status from "Trialing" to "Active."
*Note - If the account is still in "Trialing" status when the Subscription begins, the Subscription start date will be set to the first day after the Trial was set to expire. (Everyone gets 21 days for free regardless of when the subscription is activated)
Regardless of billing interval, the Reseller will be billed for all accounts under their dashboard by Huntress.
Manage Accounts
On the Accounts page, you can enter the Account dashboard of one of your customers by clicking on the hyperlink under "Subdomain."
*Note - This functionality is only available when Support Type = Partner Supported
From the Account Dashboard, you will be able to navigate the UI to perform all actions necessary to co-manage the Huntress service with your customer.
Navigate Between Reseller Dashboard(s), Account(s), and Organization(s)
To return to the Reseller Dashboard hover over the Account Switcher in the top left corner of the screen (just to the right of the Huntress logo)
You will see a green checkmark next to the location where you currently are.
You will also see listed every Resell Dashboard, Account Dashboard, and/or Organization Dashboard that you have access to.
*Note - Dashboards will only show up here where you have been specifically added as a User.